Leyla Yelmer
Two ladies from the Environmental Education Centre (UBZ), Ms Maria Höggerl and wife Andrea Hönel, presented before the Christmas holidays, the theme of the ecological footprint. We all had the opportunity to calculate our ecological footprint. The Fußabdrucksrechner calculates the area consumed by the person for natural resources. For example, the average in Austria at 4.9 global hectares. This means we would need 2.5 earths if everyone wanted to live like us. There are also the gray Footprint, which is still counted for each individual to do so. This includes everything that serves the community and a country is 1.8 global hectares It is divided as follows: 1 / 4 living third diet fifth mobility sixth consumption.
A very small ecological footprint would be smaller than 3.5, between 3.5 to 4.5, he is considered small. If there is one with its value from 4.5 to 5.5 on average you have a large ecological footprint. Big is 5.4 to 6.4 and above 6.5 it is described as huge. My footprint is 3.7 global hectares.
If all people want to live on earth as I do, then we would need 2.1 planets.
On the second day of the workshop we were given the task of a poster with the theme "How to design an environmentally friendly Christmas" to make. Lisa and I agreed on the following tips:
lighting: fuel-efficient lights, do not burn all the time can
Christmas tree: real, regional tree and not a plastic tree
Food: local produce and not imported from a foreign country
packaging: not too much or use the gift wrap paper back
Gifts: useful gifts that are not immediately thrown away.
Siegfrid Arneitz
On Mon, 21 December and Tuesday 22 December there were two speakers to the school and took and the Class 6A, during a two-day workshops close to four hours to the Ecological Footprint.
was first in the IT rooms once explained in general what is the ecological footprint. Then we could work out our own footprint and we were given tips on how we could reduce our footprint. We also tried to calculate each of us personally the smallest footprint and the largest possible footprint.
In the classroom, the two speakers used the remainder of the first day so to explain the distribution of goods and their consumption on the different continents. The resulting knowledge has been strengthened by means of a game.
saw the second day we first put some videos from the Internet by various environmental organizations on energy saving and resource consumption.
We also featured in various groups of considerations about how one could celebrate Christmas with the smallest possible footprint. These ideas were captured on posters and presented by the groups.
As a conclusion once summarized the most important thing.
Personal impression
We have learned that we at one or the other Things were supposed to save. Although it looks difficult, but if everyone contributes a little bit, it will not be so difficult to come to one hectare per capita. I will personally save power, consume more water and often go on foot.
Nowadays consumers consumed 10 times more energy than 100 years ago
indicates the footprint, the size of our consumption of electricity, water, etc. ... and bring our good Take advantage of every human being can contain about 1.8 acres for their own use free
The land is less and less, because the human race ever-increasing use
fiber, cotton and paper for most of the footprints
The felling of forests, the fishing of fish and excessive
CO2 emissions destroy more and more the earth
calculated the ecological footprint and the use of imported and exported products, and what is consumed in their country,
Austria has a footprint of 4, 9 and each person consumes 3.4 hectares, USA has a footprint of 9.6 and 4.7 hectares each person consumes, the earth has a footprint of 2.2 and was 1.2 hectares per person each
The aim of the footprint, that each reduced its environmental footprint but also a high quality of life ensures
There is next to the footprint and the Living Planet Index of the organization WWF Living Report, which calculates the state of the earth.
Iris Schummer
On Dec 21, began our workshop "Ecological Footprint". Together with the two speakers, and Andrea Maria Höggerl Hönel, we processed the subject very thoroughly. In the first hour, we calculated our own footprint and then tried it by first changing the values as small as possible and then make as large as possible.
After that hour there was a lecture in which you can learn about the ecological Footprint learned.
The ecological footprint is the area that is consumed in natural resources per person. This land is farmland, meadows, pastures, water, forests, crops, "Energy State" ... 1.8 gha (= "global hectares") is the yield surface of the earth to all people equally divided. In Austria, the average is 4.9 gha. The calculation for each person consists of the residential part (1 / 4), nutrition (1 / 3), consumption (1 / 6) and mobility (1 / 5) together. In addition, there is the "gray footprint (1.8 gha) added.
Over the next three hours more games played as illustrated by, was how the resources are distributed and how many "earths" consume each continent by their lifestyle. For this was a world map spread on the ground and 100 c respectively for the money, more than 100 wooden figures for the population and more earth and made available to us we had to estimate how many parts of each continent gets. In the second game, a tower was erected from wood and each one had to go out a tree. it was not careful enough or took any piece, the tower collapsed. It has been shown what happens when someone is not to the other thinks and consumes too many resources. Another game was that we formed a circle of chairs, next to the chair turned and tipped the chair. Then you had to let go quickly to the next chair and "his" chair but. This could not overturn. After some confusion it worked, as all went on to a command and worked together. Thus, the importance of cooperation was demonstrated. The next day went to the workshop. We watched a movie on the subject. Then the subject was discussed Christmas. What can you do to minimize the environmental footprint as small as possible? How it increases? In the groups was discussed, after which they then presented and designed posters.
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